
Downtown Master Plan - Huntersville NC

David Walters, Senior Urban Designer, The Lawrence Group

Working again as lead urban designer for the interdisciplinary charrette team led by The Lawrence Group, I helped create a plan for the regeneration of Huntersville’s decayed and underperforming downtown, which had suffered at the expense of new development adjacent to nearby Interstate -77. The emphasis was on the creation of a truly mixed-use town center linking a future commuter rail station, the city hall and a new children’s science museum. The PowerPoint demonstrated the plan and its concepts.

The perspective illustration below of the new downtown square and science museum is by Dave Malushizky.

Town Planning
About David Walters

Design First

Designing Community

Charrettes, Master Plans and Form-based Codes
David Walters
2007 Architecture Press

Design First

Design First

Design-based Planning for Communities
David Walters &
Linda Luise Brown
2004 Architecture Press

Copyright ©2007 David Walters. All Rights Reserved.