
Concord Parkway Small Area Plan - Concord NC

David Walters, Senior Urban Designer, The Lawrence Group

The same charrette team involved with the Huntersville downtown plan worked with the nearby city of Concord, NC, to create a master plan for 800-acres of suburban infill development. This plan uses techniques of sustainable urban design and low impact site design to create a mixed-use, walkable neighborhood capable of being actively supported by transit. During the charrette, the design team discovered the existence of a fragment of the historic “Great Wagon Road” that ran from Pennsylvania to Georgia in colonial times. This historical trace is marked by a preserved hedgerow that runs diagonally across the site as a green, interpretive trail.


Town Planning
About David Walters

Design First

Designing Community

Charrettes, Master Plans and Form-based Codes
David Walters
2007 Architecture Press

Design First

Design First

Design-based Planning for Communities
David Walters &
Linda Luise Brown
2004 Architecture Press

Copyright ©2007 David Walters. All Rights Reserved.